Andreas Windisch
Know-Center GmbH, Inffeldgasse 13, 8010 Graz, Austria
University of Technology Graz, Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science, Inffeldgasse 13, 8010 Graz, Austria
Washington University in St. Louis, Department of Physics, MO 63130, USA
RL Community, AI AUSTRIA, Wollzeile 24/12, 1010 Vienna, Austria
- március 7. (hétfő) 900 - 1130 órakor
I1-es teremben
What is quantum computing anyway?
címmel előadást tart
Quantum computing is an exciting field that is gaining more and more attention, as small (and noisy) quantum devices become increasingly available for mostly educational and academic purposes. Not only scientists, engineers or technological- and industry leaders should have a basic understanding of the concepts behind quantum computing, but everybody should have at least a vague idea of the theoretical concepts and potential future applications of quantum computing. This talk focuses mainly on the fundamental principles behind this fascinating technological development. The basic concepts are introduced in an approachable way, and no prior knowledge of mathematics, physics or computer science is expected. The talk is an attempt to motivate the ideas of quantum computing and should encourage everybody to ask questions and engage in a discussion while the concepts are being introduced.
Az előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
Dr. Hartung Ferenc
egyetemi tanár, tanszékvezető