Válasszon nyelvet

   +(36) 88 624 021 |    dekanititkarsag@mik.uni-pannon.hu |    8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. I. épület

Válasszon nyelvet

CAPE Forum joins forces with successful EC Projects DECADE and INHEAT. They aim to bring together researchers and industrial practitioners for a meaningful discussion on research, new and emerging technologies and results in the area of CAPE.

CAPE Forum 2012 (26 – 28 March 2012) at Veszprem encourages young academic and industrial researchers to present their stimulating research and knowledge transfer ideas in energy, water, cleaner technologies and related fields.
The venue is formatted as a set of oral presentations, round-table discussions and posters, on several topics. It is a forum where every participant gets a chance to present and discuss their topics of interest.