Válasszon nyelvet

   +(36) 88 624 021 |    dekanititkarsag@mik.uni-pannon.hu |    8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. I. épület

Válasszon nyelvet

Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology
University of Pannonia

Date: 31 January 2013
Place: Veszprém, University of Pannonia, Building I, Room 924
Chair person: István Győri, Committee: Gyula Simon, Ágnes Stark-Werner
Time Presenter Year Supervisor(s) Topic
9:20 Márton Frits 0,5
Botond Bertók,
Csaba Fábián
Multimodal Public Transport Route Planning
9:40 Rajmund Drenyovszki 0,5
Botond Bertók,
Lóránt Kovács
Utilization of cyberphisical systems in Smart Grids to achieve higher efficiency
10:00  Éva König 0,5 Botond Bertók Optimal Process Design Under Uncertainties 
10:20  Adrián György Szlama  István Heckl  Optimal design of process networks involving subsystems with variable composition  steams
10:40 Máté József Bárány  2,5 Botond Bertók A new, enhanced parallel ssg algorithm
11:00 Péter Tar 1,5 István Maros Algorithmic improvement in the Phase-1 of the Simplex Method
11:20 Balázs Pintér 2,5 György Kozmann,
István Vassányi 
Modelling dietary rules in nutrition counseling expert system 
11:40 Gergely Tuboly  2,5 György Kozmann,
Zoltán Nagy 
Model interpretation of nondipolar body surface QRST integral maps in arrhythmia patients
13:00 Lidija Cucek 2 Jiri Klemes,
Zdravko Kravanja
Life Cycle Assessment and Supply Chain Optimisation with the Targeting the Emissions (Including CO2) and Effluent Reduction. The Extension of Footprint and Sustainability Indexes Methodology
13:20 Andreja Nemet 3 Jiri Klemes,
Zdravko Kravanja
Optimisation and Integration of Renewable Energy Generation and Management Options
13:40 Attila Tóth 3
Katalin Hangos,
Rozália Pigler-Lakner
HAZID Information Based Operational Procedure Diagnosis Method
14:00 Máté Hegyháti 3 Ferenc Friedler Batch Process Scheduling
14:20  Ferenc Király  0,5 
István Kósa,
István Vassányi 
Analysis of health care processes based on public administrative health databases