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A Villamosmérnöki és Információs Rendszerek Tanszék 2016. november 8-án (kedden) 14 órakor tanszéki szemináriumot tart.

A szeminárium címe: "The Use of Inertial Measurement Units for Video Object Recognition in Lightweight Devices"

Előadó: Metwally Rashad

A szeminárium helye: I épület 4. emelet 416. terem.

Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várnak a szervezők! 

A new object recognition approach is introduced, where besides cameras, Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) sensors are used for the recognition of 3D objects. Contrary to computationally intensive deep learning recognition solutions we focus on lightweight methods which could be utilized in handheld devices and autonomous systems equipped with moderate computing power and memory. Fast and robust compact image descriptors and the relative orientation of the camera are used to build multi-view-centered recognition object models. As for recognition the Hough transformation paradigm is used to evaluate the results of queries applied on several frames of the video. The performance of the real-time lightweight approach, analyzed with several test databases, is also discussed.