A Villamosmérnöki és Információs Rendszerek Tanszék
2018. április 25-én (szerdán) 14 órakor
tanszéki szemináriumot tart
Game theoretic and mechanism design approaches for infrastructure networks
Előadó: Dr. Csercsik Dávid (ITK, PPKE)
A szeminárium helye: I épület, II. emelet, 214. terem
We give a short overview of examples demonstrating the application of game theoretic approaches for engineering problems in the topic of infrastructure networks and systems. First, we consider the scenario of natural gas networks and show how transferable utility cooperative games may be used to characterize market power. Second we provide a basic linear model scenario of resource sharing in structured mobile wireless telecommunication networks, and demonstrate how the theory of fair division and cake cutting may be an alternative in cases where centralized approaches are not applicable. Finally we discuss some aspects of mechanism design of electricity markets focussing on integrated markets, where power and resources are dispatched simultaneously. We give an impression of how the market clearing problem may be formulated as large-scale mixed integer optimization problem, considering transmission constraints as well.
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