Terlaky Tamás professzort (Lehigh University, USA)
a Pannon Egyetem Visiting Professori címmel tünteti ki a Műszaki Informatikai Kar Tanévnyitó Ünnepségén 2018. szeptember 11-én 14:00-kor.
Professzor úr 2018. szeptember 11-én 10:00-kor egy (nem specialisták számára is követhető) előadást tart az I épület 7. emeletén a 726-os teremben.
Az előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.
The Inmate Assignment and Scheduling Problem and its Application in the PA Department of Corrections
Tamás Terlaky
George N. and Soteria Kledaras '87 Endowed Chair Professor Dept. Industrial and Systems Engineering,
Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA
The inmate assignment project is a highly successful prescriptive analytics project. It was conducted in close collaboration with the PA Dept. of Corrections, took five years from start to successful implementation. Our novel Inmate Assignment Decision Support System (IADSS) is designed with the main goal of simultaneously, and system-wide optimally, assigning the inmates to the correctional institutions. IADSS includes a new hierarchical multi-objective MILO model, which accurately describes the inmate assignment problem. This is the first time that Operations Research methodologies have been used to optimize the operations, and built into the routine business practice, of a correctional system, thus it opens a rich and untouched area for the application of OR.
This project was awarded the 2017 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice by INFORMS.
Joint work with:
M. Shahabsafa, C. Gudapati, A. Sharma, L. Plebani, G.R. Wilson, Lehigh University
K. B. Bucklen, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections
The inmate assignment project is a highly successful prescriptive analytics project. It was conducted in close collaboration with the PA Dept. of Corrections, took five years from start to successful implementation. Our novel Inmate Assignment Decision Support System (IADSS) is designed with the main goal of simultaneously, and system-wide optimally, assigning the inmates to the correctional institutions. IADSS includes a new hierarchical multi-objective MILO model, which accurately describes the inmate assignment problem. This is the first time that Operations Research methodologies have been used to optimize the operations, and built into the routine business practice, of a correctional system, thus it opens a rich and untouched area for the application of OR.
This project was awarded the 2017 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice by INFORMS.
Joint work with:
M. Shahabsafa, C. Gudapati, A. Sharma, L. Plebani, G.R. Wilson, Lehigh University
K. B. Bucklen, Pennsylvania Department of Corrections