Név | Honlap / Elérhetőség | Választható tudományterületek |
ESN adatbázisa | https://erasmusintern.org/ | Business studies / Management Science / Communication and Information Sciences / Languages and Philological Sciences / Architecture / Art and Design / Engineering and Technology / Education / Teaching / Law / Geography / Geology / IT / Mathematics / Social Sciences |
Gyakornokkereső | http://gyakornokkereso.hu/Nemzetkozi-adatbazisok/21/ | Agriculture / Architecture / Art & design / Business / Education / Engineering / Geography / Humanities / Languages and linguistics / Law / Tourism / Mathematics / Medical / Media / Natural studies |
Jobted | https://de.jobted.com/trainee-programm-jobs | Business / Finances / Recruitment / Technology / Journalist / Marketing / IT |
PlacementUK | http://www.placement-uk.com/ops/jobs-NEW.php | Building & Construction / Business Administration,Management / Engineering / Finance / Economics / HR / IT / Logistics / Transport / Marketing / Recruitment / Research / Sales / Tourism |
Paragon Europe Malta | http://internships.paragoneurope.eu/ | Education and Training • Sustainable Development and Environment (energy, transport, water etc.) • Cultural Heritage and Tourism • Social Inclusion • ICT - Information and Communication Technologies • Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
Internships in the Czech Republic | http://www.internship.muni.cz/ | Arts / Business / Communication / Media / Community Development / Computer Science / Earth / Space Science/Economics / Education / Engineering / Government / Public Policy / Graphic Arts / Healthcare / International Studies / IT / Law / Public Service / Life Sciences / Mathematics / Other / Performing Arts / Physical Science / Political Science / Science Research / Technology / Tourism / Transportation / World Language |
MLComponents | https://www.mlcomponents.com/careers | Digital Marketing Assistant / HR manager / International Sales Executive / IT and Web Development |
PlacementSlovakia | http://www.placementslovakia.com/ | Business / Mechanical engineering / Marketing / IT support / Accounting / Conference Manager / Web Developer / CAD desinger |
Internship in Spain | http://bit.ly/2zZQSFh | Marketing / Economics / International Trade / Communication / Journalism |
Educational-Internship in Spain | http://smileprogramme.blogspot.hu/p/welcome-to-smile.html | Language assistant |
Arts Council | http://www.artsjobs.org.uk/search/ | Crafts / Combined Arts / Dance / Film / Interdisciplinary arts / Libaries / Literature / Museums / Photography / Music / Theatre / Visual arts |
EUROPE 3000 | http://bit.ly/2zr5Ox7 | Tourism and catering |
English Internships Abroad | http://www.englishinternshipsabroad.com/ | Sales / HR / Finances / Administration / Markenting / IT / Graphic designer / Logistics / Supply chain management / Recruitment / Tourism and catering / Estate agent |
Internship in Portugal | http://bit.ly/2zs3VAe | Teaching and Education |
Italian Chamber of Commerce for Hungary | https://www.dropbox.com/s/p2r6p4b4pek5y7r/CCIU_call%20for%20interns_2018_01_12.pdf?dl=0 | Management/Marketing |
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences / International Office |
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cf33p5w7rgq5ml7/Szakmai%20gyakorlati%20helyek_Bajusz_2017_11_22.xlsx?dl=0 | (Event) Management/Marketing/Administration/Translation |
English Internships Abroad | http://www.englishinternshipsabroad.com | Gazdasági és mérnökinformatikai terület |
Pm2am GMBH | https://www.dropbox.com/s/c206pzflm9wrh31/Student%20Trips___Internship%20Information%20Sheet_GTK.pdf?dl=0 | Gazdasági/Marketing |