Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology
University of Pannonia
Date: 27 January 2015
Place: Veszprém, University of Pannonia, Building I, Room 924
Chair person: Katalin Hangos Committee: Mihály Pituk, Gyula Simon
Nahed Abd Elfattah Mohamady | 1 | István Győri , Ferenc Hartung | On the Stability and Oscillation of the Solutions of Differential Equations with Applications |
Gergely Zachár | 0,5 | Gyula Simon | Object Tracking Methods Based on Radio-Interferometry |
Bence Koszteczky | 0,5 | Gyula Simon | Distributed Information Technology Services for Environment Protection Applications |
Zoltán Vincze | 0,5 | György Dósa | Solving Combined Scheduling and Bin Packing Problems with Theoritical and Computer Aided Methods |
Rebaz Ahmed Hama Karim | 0,5 | György Kozmann, István Vassányi | Pre-Diabetes Support with Mobile Lifestyle Counseling |
Anikó Bartos | 0,5 | Botond Bertók | Development of Novel Algorithms and their Efficient Implementations for the Optimization of Invesments in New Technologies |
János Körmendi | 0,5 | Zoltán Nagy , Béla Weiss | EEG Based Medical Imaging |
Teréz Nemes | 0,5 | Ákos Dávid , Zoltán Süle | Analysing and Increasing the Security of Cloud-Based Service |
Metwally Rashad Metwally Omar | 1 | László Czúni | Lightweight Mobile Object Recognition with Segmentation |
László Neukirchner | 1 | Attila Magyar | Examination of Different Voltage Asymmetry Norms and Voltage Asymmetry Reduction Control of Three-Phase Low Voltage Power Systems |
Lunch break | |||
József Smidla | 2 | István Maros, Tamás Terlaky | A Numerically Adaptive Implementation of the Simplex Method |
Péter József Kiss | 1,5 | László Czúni | Robust Object Description for Image Retrieval |
Márió Szalai | 1,5 | György Kozmann, István Vassányi | Automatic Stress Detection Using Simple Telemedical Heart Rate Meters |
Veronika Szücs | 1,5 | Cecília Sik-Lányi | Color Fidelity in Virtual Environments |
Jun Yow Yong | 1,5 | Jiri Klemes, Petar Varbanov | Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Incorporating Pinch Analysis |
Anja Kostevsek | 2 | Jiri Klemes, Petar Varbanov | IT Support for Optimising Energy Supply and Use in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors |
Márton Frits | 2,5 | Botond Bertók, Csaba Fábián | Planning and Scheduling Aircraft Missions to Eliminate Empty Legs |
Éva König | 2,5 | Botond Bertók | Comparison of Methods and their Capabilities to Synthesize Process Networks Under Uncertainties |
Rajmund Drenyovszki | 2,5 | Gyula Simon , Lóránt Kovács | Comparison of Scheduling Methods for Disabled Appliances in Consumption Admission Control for Smart Grids |
Attila Gábor | 3 | Katalin Hangos | Biochemical Reaction Network Realizations and Dynamic Equivalence |