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   +(36) 88 624 021 |    dekanititkarsag@mik.uni-pannon.hu |    8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. I. épület

Válasszon nyelvet


Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology
University of Pannonia
Date: 27 January 2015
Place: Veszprém, University of Pannonia, Building I, Room 924
Chair person: Katalin Hangos Committee: Mihály Pituk, Gyula Simon
Nahed Abd Elfattah Mohamady 1 István Győri , Ferenc Hartung On the Stability and Oscillation of the Solutions of Differential Equations with Applications
Gergely Zachár 0,5 Gyula Simon Object Tracking Methods Based on Radio-Interferometry
Bence Koszteczky 0,5 Gyula Simon Distributed Information Technology Services for Environment Protection Applications
Zoltán Vincze 0,5 György Dósa Solving Combined Scheduling and Bin Packing Problems with Theoritical and Computer Aided Methods
Rebaz Ahmed Hama Karim 0,5 György Kozmann, István Vassányi Pre-Diabetes Support with Mobile Lifestyle Counseling
Anikó Bartos 0,5 Botond Bertók Development of Novel Algorithms and their Efficient Implementations
for the Optimization of Invesments in New Technologies
János Körmendi 0,5 Zoltán Nagy , Béla Weiss EEG Based Medical Imaging
Teréz Nemes 0,5 Ákos Dávid , Zoltán Süle Analysing and Increasing the Security of Cloud-Based Service
Metwally Rashad Metwally Omar 1 László Czúni Lightweight Mobile Object Recognition with Segmentation
László Neukirchner 1 Attila Magyar Examination of Different Voltage Asymmetry Norms and Voltage Asymmetry Reduction Control of Three-Phase Low Voltage Power Systems
Lunch break
József Smidla 2 István Maros,           Tamás Terlaky A Numerically Adaptive Implementation of the Simplex Method
Péter József Kiss 1,5 László Czúni Robust Object Description for Image Retrieval
Márió Szalai 1,5 György Kozmann,         István Vassányi Automatic Stress Detection Using Simple Telemedical Heart Rate Meters
Veronika Szücs 1,5 Cecília Sik-Lányi Color Fidelity in Virtual Environments
Jun Yow Yong 1,5 Jiri Klemes, Petar Varbanov Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit Incorporating Pinch Analysis
Anja Kostevsek 2 Jiri Klemes,             Petar Varbanov IT Support for Optimising Energy Supply and Use in Locally Integrated Energy Sectors
Márton Frits 2,5 Botond Bertók,             Csaba Fábián Planning and Scheduling Aircraft Missions to Eliminate Empty Legs
Éva König 2,5 Botond Bertók Comparison of Methods and their Capabilities to Synthesize Process Networks Under Uncertainties
Rajmund Drenyovszki 2,5 Gyula Simon , Lóránt Kovács Comparison of Scheduling Methods for Disabled Appliances in Consumption Admission Control for Smart Grids
Attila Gábor 3 Katalin Hangos Biochemical Reaction Network Realizations and Dynamic Equivalence