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   +(36) 88 624 021 |    dekanititkarsag@mik.uni-pannon.hu |    8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. I. épület

Válasszon nyelvet


Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology
University of Pannonia
Date: 1 July 2014
Place: Veszprém, University of Pannonia, Building I, Room 924
Chair person: Katalin Hangos, Committee: Mihály Pituk, Gyula Simon


Time Presenter Year Supervisor(s) Topic
9:30 Nahed Abd Elfattah Mohamady 0,5 Győri István, Hartung Ferenc On the Stability and Oscillation of the Solutions of Differential Equations with Applications
9:50 Metwally Rashad Metwally Omar 0,5 Czúni László Robust Feature Description and Segmentation for Image Retrieval
10:10 Neukirchner László 0,5 Magyar Attila Quasi-polynomial Representation of Differential Drive Mobile Robot Kinematics
10:30 Péter József Kiss 1 László Czúni Word Spotting in Archive Handwritten Documents
10:50 Márió Szalai 1 György Kozmann,         István Vassányi Telemedical Heart Rate Measurement For Lifestyle Counseling
11:10 Jun Yow Yong 1 Jiri Klemes, Petar Varbanov Shifted Retrofit Thermodynamic Diagram: A Modified Tool for Retrofitting on Heat Exchanger Network
11:30 Márton Frits 2 Botond Bertók,             Csaba Fábián Scheduling Business Process Resources by Time Constrained Process-Network Synthesis
11:50 Éva König 2 Botond Bertók Scaling Power Generation And Storage Capacities
12:10 Ferenc Király 2 István Kósa,           István Vassányi Analysis of health care processes based on public administrative health databases
12:30 Lunch break
13:30 Drenyovszki Rajmund 2 Simon Gyula, Kovács Lóránt Utilization of Cyberphisical Systems in Smart Grids to Achieve Higher Efficiency
13:50 Szücs Veronika 1 Sikné Lányi Cecília Technical and Ergonomic Design of Virtual Environments
14:10 Pintér Balázs 3 Kozmann György, Vassányi István Formalizing Harmony Rules For Nutrition Counseling Expert System
14:30 József Smidla 1,5 István Maros,           Tamás Terlaky Floating Point Error Aware Logic of the Simplex Method
14:50 Péter Tar 3 István Maros,               Tamás Terlaky Extending the Gbac Framework to Support the Parameter Sweep of Linear Programming Solvers
15:10 Anja Kostevsek 3 Jiri Klemes,             Petar Varbanov It Support For Optimising Energy Supply And Use In Locally Integarted Energy Sectors
15:30 Alireza Sadeghi 1 László Czúni