Válasszon nyelvet

   +(36) 88 624 021 |    dekanititkarsag@mik.uni-pannon.hu |    8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. I. épület

Válasszon nyelvet


Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology
University of Pannonia
Date: 30 January 2014
Place: Veszprém, University of Pannonia, Building I, Room 924
Chair person: Jiri Klemes, Committee: Katalin Hangos, István Heckl
Time   Presenter Year Supervisor(s) Topic
10:00   Péter József Kiss 0,5 László Czúni Robust object description for image retrieval
10:20   Alireza Sadeghi 0,5 László Czúni Object and land cover classification on remote sensing data
10:40   Márió Szalai 0,5 György Kozmann, István Vassányi Effects of nutrition, physical activity and stress on the blood sugar control system in theory and practice
11:00   Anja Kostevsek 1 Jiri Klemes, Petar Varbanov IT support for optimising energy supply and use in locally integrated energy sectors
11:20   József Smidla 1 István Maros, Tamás Terlaky Stable additive numerical techniques for the simplex method
11:40   Rajmund Drenyovszki 1,5 Gyula Simon, Lóránt Kovács Utilization of cyberphisical systems in Smart Grids to achieve higher efficiency
12:00 Lunch break
13:00   Márton Frits 1,5 Botond Bertók, Csaba Fábián Designing ITinfrastructure for the control loop of optimization aided resource management
13:20   Ferenc Király 1,5 István Kósa, István Vassányi Analysis of health care processes based on public administrative health databases
13:40   Éva König 1,5 Botond Bertók Mathematical and physical models for optimal distribution of stochastic loads in power networks
14:00   Péter Tar 2,5 István Maros, Tamás Terlaky Parameter sweep for the simplex method on desktop grids
14:20   Lidija Cucek 3 Jiri Klemes, Zdravko Kravanja Life cycle assessment and supply chain optimisation with the targeting the emissions (including CO2) and effluent reduction. The extension of footprint and sustainability indexes methodology
14:40   Adrián György Szlama 3 István Heckl Process synthesis involving multi-period operations by the P-graph framework