The Doctoral School of Information Science is inviting everybody who is interested to the department discussion of the PhD dissertation of Mohamed Fawzy Ibrahim Issa. (supervisors: Dr. György Kozmann and Dr. Zoltán Juhász)
The title of his thesis is „Novel Methods for Removing EEG Artifacts and Calculating Dynamic Brain Connectivity”
Date and time of the discussion: 10th July 2020 at 9 o’clock
The discussion will be held online, the meeting link is as follows:
Dániel Leitold’ viva took place on 19th June. The title of his presentation is “Hálózat-alapú irányíthatósági és megfigyelhetőségi elemzés, szenzorok és beavatkozók optimális elhelyezése” His supervisors are Dr. János Abonyi and Dr. Ágnes Fogarassy-Vathy.
The result of the presentation is cum laude.
We are expressing our congratulation on his success!
The Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology organised three complex exams on 26th June, 2020.
All of our PhD students presented his research work successfully and passed the exam.
We are expressing our congratulations on their success!
The PhD report session of the Doctoral School of Information Science took place on 24th June, 2020. 13 PhD students presented his/her scientific results.

If you are interested in being member of our alumni community, please, write an e-mail to

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The Organizers are looking forward recruiting enthusiastic, open minded students who are willing to help the community!