
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems organised organised a PhD Course on Advanced Nonlinear Control Methods: Theory and applications between 30th August and 3rd September. The aim of the course was to introduce basic notions in nonlinear systems and control to interested students. The topics covered the classical theory of input-affine systems (analysis of basic properties such as reachability, observability, stability; linearization-based controller design), passivity, Hamiltonian system representation, model based predictive control, as well as the control of multi-agent systems.
For each day 4x45 minute-lectures and tutorials were scheduled.
The list of the detailed topics can be found here:
The Department of Computer Science and Systems Technology organised a symposium devoted to operation research on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Professor István Maros on 10th September 2021. The presentations covered topics as follow:

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems organised a symposium on health care informatics on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Professor György Kozmann on 25th August 2021. The presentations covered topic as follow:
Telemedicinal lifestyle intervention and prevention,
Possibilities of high-resolution EEG in stroke monitoring,
Lifestyle counselling supported by information technology
Sudden cardiac death risk analysis using body surface potential mapping
Within the project called „Plan your future!” 3 innovative IT labs were inaugurated at University of Pannonia, one of them belongs to the faculty. Our prior aim is to strengthen the IT sector thereby to give up-to-date, competitivve and marketable knowledge and competences to our students who will have the opportunity to obtain an internationally recognised professional examination certificate free of charge.