Rajmund Drenyovszki’s viva took place on 23rd August 2021. The title of his presentation is „Valószínűségi eljárások alkalmazása a Smart Grid hálózatok hatékonyságának növelésére”
His supervisors are Dr. Katalin Hangos and Dr. Lóránt Kovács.
The result of his doctoral degree summa cum laude.
We are expressing our congratulation on his success!

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Systems is organising a PhD course on systems and control theory between 30th August till 3rd September2021. It will take place at the University of Pannonia, Faculty of Information Technology in Veszprém.
The aim of this condensed 5-day PhD course is to introduce basic notions in nonlinear systems and control to interested students. The studied topics will cover the classical theory of input-affine systems (analysis of basic properties such as reachability, observability, stability; linearization-based controller design), passivity, Hamiltonian system representation, model based predictive control, as well as the control of multi-agent systems. For each day, 4x45 mins of theoretical lectures and tutorials are planned.
More information is available on the course website:
If you are interested to participate, please, fill in the form as follows:
!Everybody who is interested are welcome!
Dr. Vassil Guliashki, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria delivered online lectures on 24th and 25th June 2021 at the faculty. The theoretical presentation of the Optimisation Methods were followed by interesting exercises.
The Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology organised Benedek Szakonyi’s complex exams on 23rd June, 2021.
Benedek presented his research work successfully and passed the exam.
We are expressing our congratulations on his success!
The PhD report session of the Doctoral School of Information Science took place on 22nd June, 2021. 16 PhD students presented his/her scientific results.