The dean of our faculty has been awarded Honourable Membership by the Hungarian Engineering Chamber for his active participation in the IT and electrical engineering education and for the elaboration of the dual courses with the industrial partners. The event took place on 8th March in the Duna Palace in Budapest.

On behalf of Dr. Ferenc Vonderviszt (professor, the director of the Multidisciplinary Excellence Research Centre) and of Dr. Katalin Hangos (head of the Doctoral School of Information Science) we are inviting you to attend the symposium of the Multidisciplinary Excellence Research Centre, which takes place on 20th March at 9 am. in the Conference Centre of Building B.
The researchers of the Multidisciplinary Excellence Research Centre will deliver lectures about their most important results.
András Éles, our PhD student participated in the international competition organised by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) as the only Hungarian member. He was awarded the 15th place.
On behalf of the whole faculty we are expressing our congratulations to him.

It is the seventh time that the conference called Legyél Te is Informatikus! took place on 16th February 2019. The conference was organised jointly by the HTTP Foundation and the Faculty of Information Technology.
300 participants were present and at the event where they could listen to lectures concerning educational topics.
This year CISCO acknowledged the work of several Hungarian researchers. Ákos Dávid was awarded Instructors Excellence Expert, Imre Rosta and Krisztián Kiss were awarded Instructor Excellence Advanced.
Értesítünk minden érdeklődőt, hogy a Rendszer- és Számítástudományi Tanszék szervezésében
Dr. Gelencsér András
egyetemi tanár, rektor
január 14-én (hétfőn) 14 órától
“Biomassza égetésből származó részecskék globális éghajlati hatása”
címmel tanszéki előadást tart.
Az előadás helyszíne:
Pannon Egyetem, I. épület. 9. emelet, 924-es terem
Az előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!