Head of the laboratory: Dr. Attila Magyar (professor)
Members of the laboratory:
Dr. Attila Magyar, professor
Dr. Attila Fodor, associate professor
Dr. Attila Göllei, associate professor
Dr. Péter Görbe, assistant professor
Balázs István Gusztáv, PhD student
Activity of the laboratory:
Our research activities focus on several areas of application of electric energy: Electric distribution network, batteries, electric machines. The primary goal of our research focused on these systems is optimal operation in terms of cost, energy consumption or operational safety.
priority research areas: Electricity distribution network, electricity market, smart grid, optimal control
Featured projects:
NKFI – K131501: Analysis and optimization of complex technological systems with energy applications (12.01.2019 - 8.31.2024)
DRP0200271 - Analyzing and promoting energy storage solutions, developing tools to mitigate the intermittency of RES, contributing to an accelerated transition to renewable energy and more balanced electrical grids (StoreMore)
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