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Head: Dr. Akos David, assistant professor (e-mail:


Dr. Veronika Szücs

Gábor Arányi

Yusufbek Sulaymonov

The R&D Center for Cyber Defense has been founded by the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Pannonia in cooperation with the National Security Authority to initiate further researches and R&D projects to improve cyber security (including but not limited to penetration testing, cryptography, digital forensics, log analysis), and eliminate such dangers and risks by contributing with internationally recognized research, development and educational activities.

R&D Activities:

·         digital forensics & log analysis

·         vulnerability analysis of communication protocols & firmware


·         Information security training for the National Directorate General for Disaster Management in cooperation with the National Security Authority (2014)

·         Professional security support for KINCSINFO Nonprofit LLC (2014-2015)

·         Founding member of the Air Navigation Research and Development Platform initiated by HungaroControl Ltd. The purpose of the cooperation is to support research work in Hungary, to create the link between Hungarian research and development efforts and European initiatives, and this way to lay the foundation of a regional air navigation knowledge center. By supplementing each other’s knowledge capital, participants of the platform will perform successfully in national and international research and development programs, will test new methods more efficiently, and will implement new technologies faster. (2015)

·         Conference on Information Security & Defense Management in cooperation with the Regional Directorate for Disaster Management (2017)


·         National Security Authority (2013-2017)

·         National Directorate General for Disaster Management

·         KINCSINFO Nonprofit LLC (2014-2015)

·         HungaroConrol Ltd.

·         Hungarian Defense Forces General Staff Operations Directorate (Joint Forces Command)