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Lecturer: Katalin Hangos, professor



The subject assumes knowledge of the following subjects and builds on them:
Artificial intelligence


Students acquire knowledge related to special tools and techniques applied in engineering applications. The evaluation is based on the development of an individual project task related to the topics of the course.

In particular the following topics are investigated, taking into account the individual training plan and interests of the student.  

T1. Design and analysis of scheduling procedures
(Model-based generation and verification of  scheduling procedures)
- scheduling procedures and their formal description
- uncertain dynamic systems and their description using qualitative models 
- dynamic system models in the form of colored Petri nets 
- analysis of scheduling procedures using colored Petri net models 

T2. Fault detection and isolation using uncertain dynamic models
- uncertain dynamic models (gray box models, qualitative models)
- diagnosis using signed directed graph (SDG) models
- diagnosis using fuzzy qualitative simulation 
- diagnosis based on colored Petri net models 

T3. Fuzzy rule-based systems
- sets: definition, operations, language modifiers
- reasoning using fuzzy sets and rules 
- control design and its analysis using fuzzy rules 

Hangos, K.M., R. Lakner and M. Gerzson: Intelligent control systems. An introduction with examples. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
Jensen, K. (1992). Colored Petri Nets I: Basic Concepts II. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
Murata, T. (1989). Petri Net: Properties, Analysis and Applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 37, 4, 541-580.
Weld, D.S., and de Kleer, J. (eds.) (1990). Readings in Qualitative Reasoning about Physical Systems. The Morgan Kaufman, 720p.
Reznik, L. (1997) Fuzzy controllers, BH Newnes