Public discussion of PhD dissertation of Anikó Bartos PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology on March 26, 2020 starting at 10 am University Building I (Veszprém, Egyetem u. 10.) Due to the emergency situation, the publicity of the defense is provided online. As the required defense discussion document is a signed, signed attendance sheet, the defense will be published in the way of a non-public YouTube stream, which will be accessed by those who complete and submit a questionnaire. The questionnaire is available at:
Title of the dissertation: Researching algorithms for optimizing the resource distribution of periodic industrial processes and their effective software implementations
Supervisor: Dr. Botond Bertók
Chairman of the Committee: Dr. György Dósa , DSc
The reviewers of the dissertation: Dr. Péter Arató, DSc, Dr. Zsolt Ercsey, PhD
The doctoral debate is public, all interested participants are invited!