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Rector and Chancellor’s joint decree

No. 1/2020. (III.11.)


The rector and chancellor of the University of Pannonia hereby issue the following decree with respect to the state of emergency announced by the Hungarian government on March 11th 2020:

  • We order a special break for teaching activities for the days of Thursday and Saturday, March 12-14th2020.
  • We order a special spring break between March 16-21th. We call our students not to travel abroad during this spring break if possible but they are to stay at their places of residence.
  • Students are not permitted on campus starting from March 12th2020 until the withdrawal of the current order.
  • Student with a Hungarian citizenship are to leave the dormitories not later than 16:00 o’clock on Friday, March 13th2020. International students are permitted to continuously stay in the dormitories.
  • In the upcoming days, the leadership of the university will determine under what circumstances and in what forms teaching is permitted to commence starting from March 23rd2020.
  • All faculty and staff of the university are to continue their work on campus.
  • Starting from today, no event on the university campuses regardless of the number of participants will be permitted to take place until further notice, all previously issued permits for any events are hereby withdrawn.

March 11th 2020, Veszprém


Dr. András Gelencsér                     Zsolt Csillag

            rector                                  chancellor